Sunday, February 27, 2011

Kumquat Soup

I use to be a terrible cook.  Now, this statement would imply that I actually can cook now which is probably going a step too far.  I yield such high praise for those that can open up their pantry and just make something happen from the top of their heads.  Or for those that can name that obscure ingredient that they taste in some 4 star dinner. Let's just say that I do not make disastrous dishes like kumquat soup these days. Sorta had to be there (or maybe glad you were spared).  Anyway, I am enamored with grains.  Well, it is more that I like the idea of cooking with whole grains more than actually DOING it.  Do you know what I mean?

Well, I found this pretty cool website that allows you to get rid of those pantry items that have been sitting there for a while.  So all you have to do is type in the ingredients that you have on hand and voila, there is a recipe for you. Give it a try, you may find some inspiration:

Saturday, February 26, 2011


So what does a new mom do to help her baby breathe?  After several days of struggling to use this arkane tool, I decided to go to the net to see what else is there.  Did you ever think that they would come up with these gizmos?  Really, they make an electrical nasal aspirator?!  It looks like something that de-fuzzes your wool sweaters.

I have to admit, these 'tools' seem to make a lot of sense even though it may be a little gross (come on, it is your kid, right?).  Thank goodness the laws of physics are at work here.  There is absolutely no way that anything is passing through that tube, right??  At least I hope the person that developed this apparatus paid attention in physics class because that would be some big flaw....I would say deal  breaker.

Where do you draw the line? Just how far are you willing to go for your baby?  I determined that I would risk it (if not for Sophia, for me as I need a few extra hours of sleep as this not breathing thing is taking its toll on both of us).

So I am off to buy my new and improved nasal aspirator (I chose the NasalFrida or Snot Sucker as it is marketed in the U.S.:

At least the Americans are direct with what it actually does -- I did get a kick out of the name, though..made me sorta of belly laugh.  Thankfully I can buy it in the Netherlands as international shipping costs are a killer.

I was going to say, I'll give you an update as to how it works but I am guessing you probably know enough already.

Thank goodness for cauliflower soup

What are you suppose to write if you start a blog?  I must admit it is a tad bit daunting.  It is not as if I am going on some life long dream sailing adventure (check out my brother's blog  Although that is what got me thinking...would I like to start a blog?  Looks like fun so I got inspired by my brother and sister-n-law's site and here I am!

I will begin with the birth of our first child, Sophia.  I have decided to take some time off and enjoy being a mom.  Wow, there are so many things that they do not tell you in the books that you read about "What to Expect".  One serious question is timing it with the seasons.  Next time I have a baby, I will make sure that it is SUMMER/SPRING so we can enjoy some sunshine.  It rains a lot in The Netherlands and you are often inside in the Fall/Winter (Cabin FEVER).  But seriously, I would not change a thing.  Motherhood is an awesome privilege.  So what have I been up to?  Well, besides getting in the groove with being a parent and learning to speak her language, I have been surfing a lot on the net.  It is amazing what is out there!  A lot of really interesting people and ideas.

Right now, I am into researching Personality Types and Best Career Choices. Okay, I know I am not going back to work right now but when I do, what is the path that I want to take?  Seems like a worthwhile pursuit while I have some time on my hands.  I have been researching psychology, coaching, counseling to name a few.  Other cool sites that I am into are design blogs (with a  mom twist) like this one: / 

Ok, now for the reason for the title of my blog.  It is an especially dreary day today and I made some awesome cauliflower soup from (if I may say so myself) and there is nothing more satisfying right now than to look outside in the pouring rain and enjoy homemade cauliflower soup with good 'ole Farmer's Dutch Cheese mixed in.  I call this comfort food at its best.  Did I mention, while I am eating my tasty lunch, Sophia is propped in her chair and staring at me from her little throne.  Rain, let it rain -- as I have my soup & sweet smiles from our cooing daughter...what more do you need?