Saturday, February 26, 2011


So what does a new mom do to help her baby breathe?  After several days of struggling to use this arkane tool, I decided to go to the net to see what else is there.  Did you ever think that they would come up with these gizmos?  Really, they make an electrical nasal aspirator?!  It looks like something that de-fuzzes your wool sweaters.

I have to admit, these 'tools' seem to make a lot of sense even though it may be a little gross (come on, it is your kid, right?).  Thank goodness the laws of physics are at work here.  There is absolutely no way that anything is passing through that tube, right??  At least I hope the person that developed this apparatus paid attention in physics class because that would be some big flaw....I would say deal  breaker.

Where do you draw the line? Just how far are you willing to go for your baby?  I determined that I would risk it (if not for Sophia, for me as I need a few extra hours of sleep as this not breathing thing is taking its toll on both of us).

So I am off to buy my new and improved nasal aspirator (I chose the NasalFrida or Snot Sucker as it is marketed in the U.S.:

At least the Americans are direct with what it actually does -- I did get a kick out of the name, though..made me sorta of belly laugh.  Thankfully I can buy it in the Netherlands as international shipping costs are a killer.

I was going to say, I'll give you an update as to how it works but I am guessing you probably know enough already.

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